Monday, December 1, 2014

UAE Flag Day

So, November 3, marks the day Sheikh Khalifa became UAE President and the Flag Day initiative was started on that date. This day is celebrated as Flag day because of that. There are UAE flags everywhere . And I guess celebrations as well, although I don't know of any! But at my school today, we celebrated with an assembly and lots and lots of chocolate!!

Whenever the students bring sweets around, they also bring this dark jelly like goo for us to eat too. I think it's some kind of date mash or something . Anyway, it's really sweet and the texture is an aquired taste I guess. But this time when they brought it to us, one of my students said, Ms. you are to eat that with coffee. You put some in your mouth, take a sip of coffee, swish it around and swallow . Ahhh, I've been eating it the wrong way! So I tried it with coffee and the tastes really blend together well! I was surprised it actually tasted good! But I still can't get over the texture! 

The girls also gave us lots of UAE paraphernalia like buttons and, of course, flags.

The girls raising the UAE flag

A bulletin board in our school

Ciao for now!

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